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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014-RELOADED + REVIEW Full Download

 Apa yang Anda bayangkan saat beberapa bulan lalu Konami mengumumkan akan menghadirkan game sepak bola andalan mereka, Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 dengan menggunakan engine baru: Fox Engine? Sebuah game Pro Evolution Soccer yang benar-benar baru? Atau justru Anda merasa Konami tidak perlu menghadirkan banyak perubahan, selain dari engine, ke dalam game baru tersebut?

Menu utama dari PES 2014. Berbeda struktur dari menu utama yang ada di beberapa edisi terakhir seri Pro Evolution Soccer.

Menu utama dari PES 2014, berbeda struktur dari menu utama yang ada di beberapa edisi terakhir seri Pro Evolution Soccer.
Apapun hal yang Anda bayangkan terkait penggunaan Fox Engine untuk PES 2014 tersebut, Konami akhirnya merilis game tersebut minggu lalu. Anda yang mungkin sudah sempat mencoba game tersebut tentu memiliki beragam opini terkait game tersebut, sebagian mungkin positif, sebagian lain mungkin negatif. Hal itu menurut kami cukup wajar, mengingat penggunaan engine baru pastinya akan membawa banyak perubahan dalam game tersebut.
Tim JagatPlay sendiri sudah mencoba game Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 tersebut beberapa waktu setelah peluncurannya. Banyak pengalaman baru yang kami dapatkan selama memainkan game tersebut. Kami akan coba merangkum pengalaan-pengalaman kami selama mencoba game tersebut dalam artikel review ini. Selamat membaca!

Fox Engine: Pembawa Perubahan

Detail visual dan animasi pergerakan yang lebih baik dibandingkan sebelumnya menjadi hal positif yang dibawa Fox Engine ke PES 2014.
Detail visual dan animasi pergerakan yang lebih baik dibandingkan sebelumnya menjadi hal positif yang dibawa Fox Engine ke PES 2014.
Hadirnya Fox Engine ke dalam PES 2014 langsung membawa dampak bagi kualitas grafis dari game tersebut. Kini, penampilan visual pemain terlihat lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan edisi-edisi sebelumnya, termasuk detail wajah. Sayangnya, untuk detail wajah, versi awal dari PES 2014 ini hanya menyertakan beberapa pemain saja dengan wajah yang mirip dengan wajah asli sang pemain. Menurut kabar, Konami tengah menyiapkan update yang akan memperbaiki detail wajah dari sebagian besar pemain dalam game tersebut.
Arjen Robben, salah satu pemain yang wajahnya digambarkan dengan cukup baik di PES 2014 ini.
Arjen Robben, salah satu pemain yang wajahnya digambarkan dengan cukup baik di PES 2014 ini.
pes2014 2013-09-20 23-32-57-51
pes2014 2013-09-23 21-49-44-32
pes2014 2013-09-24 22-50-08-20
Untuk pergerakan, Fox Engine juga membawa perubahan dalam kualitas animasi pergerakan. Kini, Anda akan menemukan animasi pergerakan yang lebih nyata bila dibandingkan dengan edisi sebelumnya. Secara umum, lebih baiknya animasi pergerakan pemain ini tidak terlalu berimbas pada gameplay dari PES 2014. Namun, animasi yang lebih baik tersebut tentu akan memanjakan mata pemain yang tengah memainkan game ini.

Sistem Kontrol: Serupa Tapi Tak Sama

Merebut bola dari lawan kini dapat dilakukan dengan sedikit memberikan tekanan fisik kepada lawan dengan bantuan analog kanan.
Merebut bola dari lawan kini dapat dilakukan dengan sedikit memberikan tekanan fisik kepada lawan dengan bantuan analog kanan.
Secara keseluruhan, sistem kontrol pemain yang ada di PES 2014 tidak jauh berbeda dengan kontrol yang ada di edisi-edisi sebelumnya. Konami hanya memberikan beberapa penyesuaian yang membuat kontrol di game baru ini terasa lebih responsif dibandingkan dengan edisi-edisi sebelumnya. Selain itu, terdapat beberapa hal baru yang dapat dengan mudah dipahami terkait sistem kontrol baru tersebut, salah satunya adalah cara untuk merebut bola dari pemain lawan.
Gerakan mengecoh lawan dapat dilakukan dengan kombinasi pergerakan kedua analog.
Gerakan mengecoh lawan dapat dilakukan dengan kombinasi pergerakan kedua analog.
Advanced Through Ball.
“Advanced” Through Pass.
Through pass "basic" masih bisa Anda gunakan bila Anda kurang menyukai kontrol baru yang dihadirkan Konami.
Through pass “basic” masih bisa Anda gunakan bila Anda kurang menyukai kontrol baru yang dihadirkan Konami.
Konami juga memperkenalkan kontrol through pass dan shooting baru yang disebut sebagai kontrol “Advanced”. Untuk through pass, kontrol baru tersebut akan menghadirkan semacam penanda arah passing yang bisa diatur pemain dengan analog kanan. Sedangkan untuk shooting, kontrol baru tersebut akan membawa sedikit perubahan pada cara mengatur arah shooting pemain. Bila pemain tidak terbiasa dengan kontrol tersebut atau memang lebih menyukai cara lama, Konami menyediakan opsi untuk mengubah kontrol through pass dan shooting ke mode “Basic” yang sama dengan edisi sebelumnya.
Kontrol set piece baru diperkenalkan Konami di PES 2014.
Kontrol set piece baru diperkenalkan Konami di PES 2014.
Hanya saja, Konami menghadirkan cukup banyak perubahan untuk kombinasi tombol kontrol di PES 2014. Berbagai kombinasi tombol yang digunakan untuk mengeluarkan trik-trik tertentu dipetakan ulang, sehingga untuk dapat menguasai trik-trik yang sama, seorang pemain harus terlebih dahulu mempelajari ulang kombinasi-kombinasi tombol yang ada dalam game ini, misalnya untuk melakukan kontrol off the ball, trik mengolah bola, crossing, dan lain sebagainya

Recomended System Requirements :
  • Operating System: Win Xp 32, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
  • Graphic Card: GeForce GT 440, Radeon HD 5550 1024MB
  • CPU: Core 2 Duo E7400 2.80GHz, Athlon II X2 255
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • HDD: 10 GB
  • DirectX: 9.0c


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Setting untuk mengirim email dengan PHP

Langsung saja, kadang website yang kita bangun membutuhkan fungsi untuk mengirim email. Misalkan email untuk memverifikasi pendaftaran, lost password, atau mengirim artikel terbaru ke user. PHP mempunyai fungsi mengirim email mail(). Sayannya, fungsi ini tidak bisa bejalan di Windows meningat windows tidak punya mail server.
Untuk mengatasi cara diatas, anda bisa menginstall mail server lokal seperti Argosoft mail server atau meletakannya di webhosting. Kedua cara tersebut cukup ribet. Saya akan mengajarkan cara sederhana mengirim email dengan memanfaatkan Server Gmail dan akun yang kita punya disana. Kelebihan teknik ini lebih sederhana, email yang kita kirim akan masuk INBOX, bukan masuk folder spam.
Pada praktik ini saya asumsikan anda memakai Windows dengan Server XAMPP. Saya sendiri memakai XAMPP 1.7.4. Ada dua langkah utama yaitu seting XAMPP agar bisa mengirim email dan membuat script kirim email itu sendiri.

Seting XAMPP

Seting XAMPP terbagi menjadi dua yaitu menginstall paket mail.php dan menambahkan support SSL ke php.ini.

Install paket mail.php

Buka command prompt dan pastikan anda didrektori C:\XAMPP\php ,jalankan perintah berikut
pear channel-update
pear install mail

Menambahkan support SSL ke PHP

Buka file php.ini XAMPP\php\php.ini pada bagian Windows Extentions (sekitar baris 950), tambahkan kode
Setelah itu restart Apache web server lalu buka http://localhost, Klik menuphpinfo().
pastikan pada bagian Registered Stream Socket Transports ada tambahan dukungan SSL seperti ini
tcp, udp, ssl, sslv3, sslv2, tls

Buat skript Kirim email

Script untuk kirim emailnya adalah sebagai berikut :

require_once "Mail.php";
$subject = "Test mail PHP";
  $body = "Test email dengan PHP dan GMAIL !!!";
  //mail($to, $subject, $body,$headers);
  //ganti baris ini dengan email yang dituju
  $to = "";
//ganti dengan emailmu /email resmi website
  $from = "";
  $host = "ssl://";
  $port = "465";
  //emailmu untuk login k gmail
  $username = "";
  //passwordmu waktu login gmail
  $password = "pass";

$headers = array('From' => $from, 'To' => $to,
'Subject' => $subject);
$smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $host,
 'port' => $port, 'auth' => true,
 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password));

  $mail = $smtp -> send($to, $headers, $body);

if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
echo("<p> Email Gagal dikirim" . $mail -> getMessage() . "</p>");
echo "Email berhasil di kirim ";

What next?

contoh diatas hanyalah script sederhana untuk mengirim email. Anda bisa mengintegrasikan dengan script untuk mereset password, untuk memverifikasi email saat pendaftaran user, notifikasi pada ecommerce dan sebagainya, semua tinggal disesuaikan denan kebutuhan web yang sedang anda buat. Selamat mencoba!.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Dead Pool (2013) (CRACK) Full Download

There are a few important things I need to say before you crack into my insanely sweet game. (Oof. Here we go again.) I’m a mercenary with an accelerated healing factor. I’ve been described as unstable, which is just plain coo-coo. (Wait, do sane people say coo-coo?) I’m gonna battle for the safety of humans and mutants. (And even mumans.) Be prepared for just about anything. (Holla!)

Key Features:
* Let’s Get Some Action: I made sure to capture all my good sides, so I made my game a third-person, action-shooter. (Yep, you get to look at my heinie.) 
* X-Men Groupies: Keep a look out cuz some of my X-Men pals (Whoa, What Pals?!) are making an appearance. 
* Insane Combat: I’m really good at killing, so I made it a blast stringing together combos and totally eviscerating my enemies. (Ev-is-cer-a-ting!) 
* Weapons Galore: I brought my skills and a buttload of my favorite things. Katanas (check), guns (bang!), explosives (boom), duct tape (quack), and of course, yours truly ? ME! (Checkmate!) 

Merc with a Map Pack: 
After an entire game of humiliating goons, there are still bad guys out there who think they can cha-cha with Deadpool. So to meet market demand for my unique brand of butt-kicking, I’m unleashing my “Merc with a Map Pack”, adding two new maps to Challenge Mode, starring yours truly against increasingly brutal waves of enemies: 

* GRT Plaza: Mr. Sinister’s clone army has taken over, but I’m imposing a strict ‘no loitering’ ordinance. 
* Inside the Tower: Mr. Sinister’s goons are having a party in his new digs so I’ve decided to crash and give free bullets for everyone. 
* Master each map to move up to Infinite Mode, where the mayhem doesn’t stop. I should also mention Infinite Mode features two new, form-fitting suits for my wardrobe. 
* D-Pooly: Some looser threads to give my goods a rest from that chafing spandex. 
* Uncanny X-Force: Dark and slimming – the perfect accessory for a chimichanga binge. 
* C’mon! You never buy me nice outfits! Just download it already! Available for limited time. 

System Requirements :

OS:Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 @ 2.66 GHz or AMD Phenom X3 8750
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:GeForce 8800 GT series with 512 MB RAM or ATI Radeon HD4850 with 512MB RAM
Hard Drive:7 GB HD space
Sound:DirectX® 9.0c or later
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
Additional:Internet connection is for Steam only. No online MP.


Dark (2013) (CRACK) Full Download

The gameplay of Dark is based on stealth combat. Eric has many supernatural vampiric 'skills' at his disposal; he can use Shadow Leap to quickly teleport to different areas and to perform stealth finishers, make himself temporarily invisible, see in the dark and slow down time. His abilities are linked to a certain amount of 'blood points' which are used up each time Eric uses a skill. He can drink blood from his enemies to restore his health and blood points.

System Requirements :


Pilih part yang mau di download Klik Tombol  Buat Download
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Sim City 5 (CRACK) Full Download

Create your ideal city, the decision to build at all levels of the city, the living which Sims motivated. Every decision, whether large or small, will have real consequences. Investment in heavy industry will make the economy soar, but it will cause pollution, affect the health of your Sims. Implementation of green technology will improve the lives of your Sims, but there is the risk of high tax rates and high unemployment. Team up with your friends to solve the global crisis: the launch of the space shuttle, to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, or the construction of a magnificent spectacle. Ranked in the global and regional championship contest, to become the richest, the worst, the happiest or the most desirable tourist place! 

System Requirements :

Operating systemWindows XP/Vista/7/8Windows 7/8
CPUAMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better, Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.0GHz or betterIntel Core i5 or faster
Hard drive space12GB
Graphics hardwareATI Radeon HD 2x00 or better nVidia 7800 or better. Intel Series 4 integrated graphics or better. Minimum of 256MB of on-board RAM and Shader 3.0 or better supportnVidia GTX 275 or better, or ATI 5850 or Better
NetworkMinimum 256 kbps download, 64 kbps upload

Pass: therezarinaldi

Registry Reviver Setup Full Download

Restore maximum efficiency and effectiveness to your PC's Windows Registry!
Experts recommend Registry Reviver to repair, optimize and maintain your Windows Registry for optimum PC performance and stability.

What is the Windows Registry
The Registry is a key component of the Windows operating system, so much so that without it Windows would not even run. When a new piece of hardware or software is installed in Windows, it stores its configuration into the Registry. This allows Windows to retrieve that information at later dates such as when it is starting up. As Windows starts it will read the configuration in the Registry and know what drivers need to be loaded, what settings to be applied, and what resources need to be allocated in order for the equipment to work. Because this information is stored in the Registry on the hard drive, Windows has this information available each time it boots up.

The Registry though is not only for operating system settings: user preferences and application settings are stored in the Registry as well. When you change your desktop background or screen saver, these details are stored in the Registry. When you shut down Windows then start it up again at a later date, your preferences are available and loaded automatically. Application settings such as what directory you would like to download files to or what your default font is in a word processor are stored here as well. As you can see, the Registry contains information that is not only vital to the use of the operating system, but also essential in allowing you to customize Windows to your particular needs.

Why Revive My Registry

Over time with normal use, your computer's Registry will become bloated and filled with obsolete or unnecessary entries. This is especially true as software, drivers, and hardware components are added and removed from your computer. With so many additions, deletions and other modifications, your Windows Registry can become filled with errors such as empty destinations, orphaned references, or it can even become corrupted. The need for you to clean obsolete Registry settings or repair your Registry errors becomes essential to ensure optimum performance of your PC.

Registry Reviver Features and Benefits

Restores optimum performance to your Registry. Registry Reviver uses proprietary algorithms to scan you Registry for errors and safely repair them. Its Registry Optimizer optimizes the organization and structure of your Registry to improve its efficiency and effectiveness.

Protects you from mistakes. The restore point setting in Registry Reviver ensures that if there are any problems with a repair, the changes can be easily reversed to get you back up and running in no time.

Minimize PC crashes and errors. By repairing errors in your Windows Registry, you will experience less Registry-related system crashes and conflicts.

BONUS: Startup Manager. Allows advance users to quickly and easily manage which applications they want to launch at startup to optimize boot times and overall PC performance.

No need to be tech-savvy. Manually maintaining your Windows Registry requires considerable knowledge to correctly diagnose Registry errors and fix them using manual tools. Registry Reviver does all of this for you, quickly, easily and safely.

Registry Reviver is RISK FREE. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply contact our customer care team within 30 days of your purchase, and we will give you your money back.

One click fix. Diagnose and repair Registry errors, and optimize your Registry, with one simple mouse click!

24/7 technical support. Support for Registry Reviver is available from within the product, from our website and via email.

Why Register Registry Reviver

Maximize your PC's performance
Industry Leading Registry Scanning Technology
Stop Window's errors and crashes
Optimize your Windows Registry to eliminate serious PC problems
Free 24/7 Customer Support
Increase in performance and stability comes with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!

System Requirements

Windows® 7, Vista, XP Pro, XP Home, 32 bit or 64 bit Editions.
300MHz or higher processor256 MB of RAM
22 MB of hard disk spaceInternet access is required to register and download product updates



pass : NIAForever

Monday, June 24, 2013

cFosSpeed 8 Build 1946 Final (CRACK) Download

CFosSpeed - Utility, which is a network driver, which attaches itself to existing Internet connection and optimizes data transfer by prioritizing traffic. Traffic Shaping - a method for optimizing the Internet traffic, providing the maximum speed with minimum delay. You can use cFosSpeed with a router and / or DSL-modem or cable modem. It is also possible to use with other types of Internet connections. cFosSpeed supports a wide variety of connections such as DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS, and others. 

cFos Traffic Shaping reduces delays during data transfer and allows you to surf the Internet up to three times faster. So that you can use all the speed of your connection! 

During the data transfer using TCP / IP receiver sends back a special signal to acknowledge the receipt of data. New data is sent only when confirmation is received. Delay in confirmation of results in slower speeds, forcing the sender to wait. This is especially true of DSL and cable internet, where you downloaded the outgoing channel (which therefore has a small bandwidth) leads to slower download. This is because there are not enough outgoing velocity for confirming signals. 

Standard solution to compensate for this effect was to increase the size of the TCP-window that allows you to send more data without immediate confirmation. The main problem here is the increase in ping (latency) and significant delays when rendering Web pages. A delay of up to two seconds is not uncommon for TCP-window size of 512KB. In short, the large size of TCP-window still will not let you get full speed downloads. 

On the other hand, cFos Traffic Shaping arranges data by priority in the order that important packets are always earlier than usual. Thus, the evidence always come on time, and the transfer will never clog your connection! 

Technology cFos Traffic-Shaping, recognizing the important types of bags and placing them in accordance with the priorities, not only smooths the Internet traffic, but also provides a low-ping. This not only accelerates surfing and download speed increases, but also offers advantages in online gaming. 

Using cFos Traffic Shaping bring you tangible benefits such as: 
The maximum download speed during the transfer 
Stable low response time during the Internet-surfing or in other applications 

cFosSpeed has two goals: 
1.Sohranit low latency in the network (ping), to make Internet applications as responsive as possible. 
2.Uluch**** throughput by removing bottlenecks in the network. 

You can use cFosSpeed for Internet connections used only by you or used by multiple computers simultaneously. 

* Broadband: Cabel and DSL 
* Narrow band: Modem and ISDN 
* Media: 
o DSL, PPPoA (Vcmux and LLC) 
o Cable 
o IP over AAL 
o RFC1483/2684 bridged 

* Router and dial 
* LAN and WLAN 
* Modes Router and Bridge 
* VPN 
* Multiple connections simultaneously 
* Adjustable routes 
* Several IP adresses per adapter 

Traffic Shaping (Traffic Shaping) 
* Multi-user version 
* TX and RX Shaping 
* L7 Protocol Analysis 
* Prioritization of Programs 
* RTP / VoIP Detection 
* 5 priority queues 
* Individual rules with filter language 

* Mode low latency 
* Auto-MTU optimization 

* Resources (Budgets) Online 
* Usage Graph 
* Overview of connections 
* Skins 
* Firewall (Firewall) 
* Data and packet logging 
* 32-Bit and 64-Bit version 
* 12 languages 

cFosSpeed 6.02 build 1722 
Changed the routing detection. This should make the "redetect routes" option obsolete and help automatically find the Traffic Shaping route, even if other programs don't report their route changes correctly. Thanks to Armor Darks for the advice. 
Fixes for IE 9 beta in the dialog scripts. 
Some improvements for skins.


PremiumSoft Navicat Premium Enterprise Edition 10.0.9 + Keygen (CRACK) Download

Navicat Premium a powerful graphical tool to manage and work with databases MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle, which has intuitive interface. Supports work with all versions of MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle, including support for most recent PostgreSQL functions. It is well-thought-out graphical user interface with easy creation, organization and exchange of information in a safe and simple way. Allows the user to connect to local and remote servers MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle, providing a range of tools such as database administration, import and export functions, as well as backup and data transfer. Supports multiple connections for local or remote MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle servers. The remote server can run on any Linux, Unix, Mac OS X and Windows platforms.


Support for the latest versions of MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle
Powerful data management tools
Built-in SQL Console
Creating and running SQL queries
Support for multiple connections for local and remote servers
Synchronization and strukktury
Creating a backup and restore
Import and export data in formats XLS, CSV, TXT, DBF, and XML
Support for Unicode
Sophisticated graphical

Navicat Premium is a multi-connections Database Administration tool allowing you to connect to MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL databases simultaneously within a single application, making database administration to multiple kinds of database so easy.

Navicat Premium combines the functions of other Navicat members. With connections established to different database types, Navicat Premium supports data transfer between MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL. It supports most of the features in MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL including Stored Procedure, Event, Trigger, Function, View, etc.

Navicat Premium enables you to easily and quickly transfer data across various database systems, or to a plain text file with designated SQL format and encoding.

Batch job for different kind of databases can also be scheduled and run at a specific time. Other features include Import / Export Wizard, Query Builder, Report Builder, Data Synchronization, Backup, Job Scheduler and more.

Features in Navicat are sophisticated enough to provide professional developers for all their specific needs, yet easy to learn for users who are new to database server.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Adobe Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud) 14.0 Final Multilanguage [x32 - x64]

NEW A more connected Photoshop - Photoshop® CC is part of Creative Cloud™. That means you have access to all the latest updates and future releases the moment they're available. You can use Sync Settings and Save to Cloud to keep your settings and files organized across multiple computers. And with Behance® integration, you can share your projects straight from Photoshop CC and get immediate feedback from creatives around the world.

NEW All-new Smart Sharpen - Rich textures, crisp edges, and distinct details. All-new Smart Sharpen is the most advanced sharpening technology available today. It analyzes images to maximize clarity and minimize noise and halos, and it lets you fine-tune for high-quality, natural-looking results.

NEW Intelligent upsampling - Enlarge a low-res image so it looks great in print, or start with a larger image and blow it up to poster or billboard size. New upsampling preserves detail and sharpness without introducing noise.

NEW Extended features included - As part of Creative Cloud, Photoshop gives you all the powerful image and video editing features you've come to expect - and it includes the advanced 3D editing and image analysis tools that were previously in Photoshop Extended.

NEW Camera Raw 8 and layer support - Apply Camera Raw edits as a filter to any layer or file inside Photoshop, and then enhance them any way you want. And with new Adobe® Camera Raw 8, you get more precise ways to heal images, fix perspective distortions, and create vignettes.

NEW Editable rounded rectangles - One of your most requested features is here. Now you can resize shapes, edit them, and re-edit them - before or after they're created. Even edit individual corner radiuses in rounded rectangles. If a shape is bound for the web, export CSS data from the file to save time.

NEW Multi-shape and path selection - Get more done in fewer clicks by selecting multiple paths, shapes, and vector masks at once. Even in multilayered documents with lots of paths, you can easily target the path (and any layer) you want right on canvas using a new filter mode.

NEW Camera Shake Reduction - Save shots you thought were lost due to camera motion. Whether your blur was caused by slow shutter speed or a long focal length, Camera Shake Reduction analyzes its trajectory and helps restore sharpness.

NEW Expanded Smart Object support - Apply Blur Gallery and liquify effects nondestructively thanks to Smart Object support. Your original file stays intact as you add blur effects or push, pull, pucker, or bloat the image or video. Edit or remove the effects at any time — even after saving your file.

NEW Improved 3D painting - Live previews are now up to 100x faster and more responsive when you paint on 3D objects and texture maps. With the powerful Photoshop painting engine, you can make any 3D model look terrific.

NEW Improved type styles - You spend hours getting text to look just right. Type styles let you save your formatting as a preset that you can then apply with just a click. You can even define type styles to use across all your Photoshop documents.

NEW Copying of CSS attributes - When you hand-code a web design, you can't always get elements like rounded corners and colors to match your original. Now, let Photoshop generate CSS code for specific design elements, and simply copy and paste the code into your web editor to get the results you want.

NEW Conditional Actions - Put routine processing jobs on autopilot with Conditional Actions. These commands use if/then statements to automatically choose between different actions based on rules you set up.

NEW Improved 3D Scene panel - Make a smoother transition from 2D to 3D editing with a 3D Scene panel that has many of the options you already know from the Layers panel, like Duplicate, Instance, Groups, and Delete.

NEW Workflow time-savers - Save time on common tasks, thanks to small but frequently requested features from users like you. Create paths more easily with new modifier keys, move a path with the spacebar, include ICC profiles in PNG formats, and more.

NEW Improved 3D effects - Shadows and reflections can make or break your 3D artwork, and higher quality live previews help you get great looks faster. Plus, easily create better glow effects, scene illumination, and lighting for bumps and textures.

NEW Color import from web files - Import color swatches directly from HTML, CSS, or SVG files — for inspiration, or to easily match the color schemes of existing web content.

NEW System anti-aliasing for type - Get a realistic preview of how your type will look on the web with an option that closely matches the anti-aliasing of your Mac or Windows® system.

Content-Aware technologies - Retouch images with incredible control and precision - and virtually no effort. Select an image object that you want to remove, rescale, or reposition, and Content-Aware technology fills, patches, extends, or recomposes your image for you.

Mercury Graphics Engine - Click, drag, and see your changes happen immediately - even on your largest image files. The Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine gives you unparalleled responsiveness in key tools like Liquify and Puppet Warp, so you can edit fluidly with near-instant results.

Powerful tools for design - Design in Photoshop with a toolset that makes it easy to create for any medium. Use type styles, editable shapes, vector layers that let you apply strokes and gradients to vector objects, tools for quickly creating custom strokes and dashed lines, and more.

Intuitive video creation - Bring your Photoshop editing skills to your video footage. Make any clip look better using the full range of familiar Photoshop tools, and create movies with an easy-to-use set of video tools. When you're ready to do more advanced work, edit with Adobe Premiere® Pro.

Blur Gallery - Add photographic blurs using simple, on-canvas controls. Create tilt-shift effects, blur everything and then sharpen one focal point, or vary blurriness between points. The Mercury Graphics Engine gives you immediate results, and with Smart Object support your blurs are nondestructive.

Intuitive 3D tools and DICOM support - Get advanced features for 3D editing and medical imaging. Dive into 3D with an interface that gives you in-context and on-canvas controls, and easily analyze and work with DICOM files.

Background save and auto-recovery - Now you can keep working even while saving the largest of Photoshop files in the background. And let the auto-recovery option preserve your edits without interrupting your progress.

NEW Improved Min and Max filters - Create more precise masks and selections with more powerful Minimum and Maximum filters, which now include options to preserve squareness or roundness.

System requirements:
- Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor (2GHz or faster)
- Microsoft® Windows® 7 with Service Pack 1 or Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit)
- 1GB of RAM
- 2.5GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash 
storage devices)
- 1024x768 display (1280x800 recommended) with OpenGL® 2.0, 16-bit color, and 512MB of VRAM (1GB recommended)*
- Internet connection and registration are necessary for required software activation, membership validation, and access to online services.

English, French, Turkish, Russian, Hungarian, Polish, Ukrainian, Czech


Can I install this side by side with Photoshop CS6 or should I remove it?
** Installer will install both 32 and 64 bit applications by default. If you want to use both, you should repeat the steps 5 and 6 below for both.
1. Open an account in Adobe website.
2. Install application from "Adobe CC" folder by double clicking on the "Set-up.exe" (With admin rights on your system.)
3. Choose TRY install. Enter your Adobe account info when asked.
4. Select your language. (You can not change it after installation)
5. Open the application as trial and select "Continue trial" and close.
(IMPORTANT : If you miss this step you will not have 3D option)
6. Copy "amtlib.dll" from "crack" folder and paste it in to installation folder by overwriting (replacing). It is generally ;
C:Program Files-Adobe-Adobe Photoshop CC - OR -
C:Program Files (x86)-Adobe-Adobe Photoshop CC - OR -
C:Program Files-Adobe-Adobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)


Crack Only (x32 & x64):